I put off doing this post, because I honestly thought I was going to finish a few unfinished projects before the year was out, but I have come to the realization that I most likely won’t, so I’m just caving in and accepting it, and here is the post!
2013 was the year of less projects than I usually do. This was, in part, due to that I was working full time doing theatre work in the field of costuming, and I didn’t have the desire to come home and do more work, even if it was for myself! But the projects I did finish, for the most part, I liked. There were, of course, a few failures. But it seems like this was the year of BIG PROJECTS. Most of these were for Costume College. This could account for why I didn’t finish as many vintage projects as I have in years prior.
A big mention needs to go to The Dreamstress’ “Historical Sew Fortnightly”. It kept me motivated throughout the year, and I loved seeing the sewing projects of other members! I’m really looking forward to it next year.
Click on the picture to be taken to the blog post, if applicable
Finished the 1899 Jacket. This will be the first Wearing History pattern of the New Year, after I finish it up (I know, it’s been a long time coming… sorry).
1868 Blue Corset
1930’s Dust Bowl Dress
Jenn’s Wedding Reception Dress
1940’s Bra (for work’s stock) from my digital pattern.
1940’s Overall Pattern Sample
Jeans from the Overall Sample (I guess I never took pictures!)
1940’s Dress for Swing Dancing. Upper Photo by Sylvia Wong. I guess I never did a blog post for this. Oops?
White 18th Century Petticoat
Late 18th Century Stays
Late 18th Century Curtain-Along Dress- doing my best Mrs Miggins. (I forgot to do a blog post on this. Whoops? Photo by Lauren of American Duchess).
18th Century Silk Petticoat
Striped 1780’s Dress
Plaid Late 1860’s Dress
1930’s Sport Dress from a Bed Sheet
1930’s Adventurey Suit Frock
1930’s Corduroy Sports Jacket
Pattern Sample- 1930’s Day or Evening Blouse and Skirt
Gray Corduroy Smooth Sailing Trousers
1930’s Chiffon Dot Blouse
1940’s Sporty Jacket (just finished two nights ago. No blog post yet!)
I guess I got more done than I thought!
UFO’s (Unfinished Objects)
– blue short sleeve knitted cardigan
– blue knitted sleeveless pullover vest
-1940’s Knit for Victory knit-a-long blouse
-Edwardian Truly Victorian S-curve corset
-gray denim from the 1940’s overall pattern
-border print 1940’s summer dress (A total and utter failure)
– Edwardian tea gown/wrapper
-1910’s linen skirt
-1910’s striped blouse from my Edwardian Blouse pattern
-striped 1940’s blouse from a thrifted man’s shirt
Yup, a lot of projects were started, then abandoned because of lack of time. If I had been more disciplined, I would have followed through, but I didn’t! They’re sitting and waiting for me to finish next year, or to abandon for good.
This year I have learned to spend more time on detailing. What makes me proud of my work are the little fiddly bits that go into them. Be it insane tucks amount of tucks (like my 18th century silk dress), or pattern matching, or seam and hem finishing- I find I need a good balance of durable, serviceable everyday vintage, and more intricate, difficult, accomplished projects to make me happy with my accomplishments.
Here’s to 2014! May it bring lots of fun, creativity, and sewing!
December 31, 2013 at 5:29 pm (11 years ago)What you call a failure looks delightful! What failed? You are such a prolific seamstress! Thanks for sharing.
December 31, 2013 at 6:05 pm (11 years ago)Thanks! I guess the fabric is just too flimsy for what I had planned. I’m not sure if I’m going to scrap it, or just make the skirt. The skirt should turn out just fine, and since the fabric was just thrifted, I know I won’t be wasting much money :)
January 2, 2014 at 2:06 pm (11 years ago)Obviously I don’t know what you had planned, but to me the bodice looks lovely, and the sleeve heads don’t look flimsy at all. I’d love to see the complete dress.
Jessica Canham
December 31, 2013 at 11:41 pm (11 years ago)I think you’re amazing and I can’t decide which is my favorite. I love that your cats manage to get in some of the photos. Cats just have to be the center of attention, don’t they? I know mine always are! lol!
Laura Morrigan
January 1, 2014 at 12:08 am (11 years ago)What a lovely array of dresses, I can’t wait to see that grey jacket when it is finished, I love that picture to distraction and long to have it for myself!
I was looking through all the pictures and thinking what a difference all the different hairdos (I assume some are hairpieces) make to the look! They really do help make the outfit and make you look like you are in totally different eras, some of them almost make you look like a different person! It is fascinating to see!
May the next year hold many lovely new outfits for both of us! Thanks for the inspiration!
January 1, 2014 at 8:02 am (11 years ago)You accomplished a lot this past year! I hope you recognize that. I hope that I can accomplish half as much this coming year.
Also, thanks so much for posting your UFOs. It is actually super-encouraging to realise that even the pros have UFOs (and I definitely think of you as a pro!)
January 1, 2014 at 8:26 am (11 years ago)What a great outfit roundup, so many beautiful projects. I wish you a very happy new year and I’m looking forward to see what you will create this year. love, ette
January 8, 2014 at 9:43 pm (11 years ago)OMG – please please please do a blog post on your dress in June?
I’m working on the same pattern, and am having a heck of a time with it. The gathers around the bust, the fit of the sleeve – major fug!
I would love to see how yours turned out, and if you had any hints :)
The Dreamstress
January 16, 2014 at 1:56 am (11 years ago)I can’t believe you think you failed! You made so many amazing, BIG projects, and tons of delightful little ones! The Dust Bowl dress is still one of my favourite HSF projects, and please, please PLEASE blog about all the stuff that you didn’t – especially that amazing dress with the Mexican inspired print. I’ve got a thing for vintage ‘south of the border’ prints, and really want to see that one!
The Dreamstress
January 16, 2014 at 1:57 am (11 years ago)Oh, and thank you, thank you, thank you for your compliment, and support with the HSF!