HSF #15: Finished Garment: 18th Century White Petticoat

I am actually finished with a Historical Sew Fortnightly challenge early!

The Historical Sew Fortnightly challenge #15 is a color challenge.  We were challenged to sew something white.  Luckily for me, I was in need of a petticoat, so this project was perfect timing.

The Challenge:  White

Fabric: Cotton Bedsheet, cotton muslin ruffles

Pattern: No pattern used, but I had help in how to cut and construct by taking advice from Katherine (aka Koshka), Lauren (American Duchess), and Leimomi (The Dreamstress).  I’m super lucky to have such talented and accomplished ladies in the 18th century giving advice and sharing their knowledge!

Year: 1780s-1790s

Notions: Twill Tape for ties, thread.

How historically accurate is it?  Meh.  It’s a mix match.  It will serve it’s purpose.  The sheet used was a poly/cotton blend.  I admit I did this on purpose, as the poly will help it not need as much ironing.  I like to spend my ironing time on garments you’ll actually see.  I used modern methods of construction, including machine sewing and serging to finish edges.  Since this will be laundered frequently, I went with easy wash and wear rather than 100% accurate. I’m also uncertain if twill tape was available in this period, but I’m guessing not.

Hours to complete:  Maybe 4-5ish.  Although initial construction was easy, all those pleats took forever.

First worn: Not worn yet!

Total cost: $3.99 + cost of thread and sales tax.  The sheet was $3.99, the ruffles were free and premade, but unhemmed, as they were a gift from work when they were cleaning out some unused stock.  I feel lucky to work in a costume shop- I still have yards of white ruffles at my disposal!  The twill tape was a gift from a friend.  So just the sheet and thread, and that’s all I had to buy.



2 Comments on HSF #15: Finished Garment: 18th Century White Petticoat

  1. The Dreamstress
    July 29, 2013 at 7:31 pm (12 years ago)

    Oh hurrah! When you were asking about this I was hoping you’d be using it as a HSF entry! It looks lovely and fluffy and rounded over the hips/bottom. Was the scallop-edged tablecloth the wrong size to use in the end?

    (also, slight envy about the costume shop goodies. I’m still using up the end-of-season clear-out treasures from my time in a costume shop)

    (also, MASSIVE envy about going to Costume College. Have tons of fun and take lots of pictures so that those of us who live too far away + are stuck in the middle of semester giving lectures can live through you and see it!)

    • Lauren
      August 15, 2013 at 4:38 pm (11 years ago)

      I actually decided to hang onto the scalloped tabelcloth to make something Regency instead. The size is better suited to it, and I actually had that in mind when I originally thrifted it.

      You need to come out for Costume College some year!!!

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