Hello! I’m peeking my head up for a moment from the crazy amount of work I’m doing on Wearing History Clothing to do a new blog post!
I was very fortunate to have gone to an AMAZING estate sale about 8 years or more ago. It was a textile collector who lived in an old farm house. One of those things you dream about! Well, she had a four poster bed piled high with Victorian clothing, but I was particularly drawn to one book shelf which held volume after volume of bound years of Ladies’ Magazines… including Peterson’s and Godey’s. Unfortunately, at the time I was pretty darn broke, and put myself in financial strain by buying four of them for… get this… $25 a piece. Aah! I know! Such a steal! Why do they always come up when we shouldn’t be searching for treasures? There were probably about ten of them left behind.
I got one Natural Form era one for one of my best friends, and there rest of my three for me- including this Lady’s Magazine from 1821. It’s the earliest in my library which pictures actual garments (I have a sadly disintegrating one from 1800 with no fashion plates, so it’s not as interesting to picture on the blog).
Well, it’s taken me that long to finally share a few of the images.
So, from nearly 200 years ago, here’s what was posted in the October issue of the magazine- featuring fashions for the next month. You can click on the images for larger versions you an read and look at more closely.
And a little closer in so you can see the great detail of these plates.
Hope you enjoy them!
October 14, 2014 at 6:59 pm (10 years ago)Oooo, so jealous that you own that! The detail is lovely. Thanks for sharing. :)
Trudy Callan
October 14, 2014 at 11:00 pm (10 years ago)What a treasure! I enjoyed them immensely. Thank you for sharing.
October 15, 2014 at 12:38 pm (10 years ago)I love these! What a fabulous find. Thank you so much for sharing!