R155- Sagebrush 1930s Blouse Pattern

Introducing the newest pattern! This blouse from the early 30s was based on a period oriignal in size 32″ bust, and has been adapted to include sizes 30″-44″ bust all in the same packet. 
Available as both an e-pattern and a printed pattern, and 15% off for this week!

On Etsy, the discount shows automatically. On my website, the discount shows in the cart.

Website (Non-UK or EU) Search: 2 results found for “sagebrush” – Wearing History (wearinghistorypatterns.com)
Etsy (Worldwide)- WearingHistory – Etsy

The original instructions were quite vague, with the already assembled garment illustration, and then points of construction matching the notches. I’ve added over 2 pages of written text to accompany it, and this coincides with the two videos I put up on Youtube. Although making the blouse with original instructions would probably be more advanced, I think that the additional instructions and video make this blouse accessible to intermediate level sewing enthusiasts.

Part 1 (Above) and part 2 (below). There’s also a link in the first video to my bound buttonhole tutorial, so be sure to check that out if you need a refresher for how to sew bound buttonholes. If you prefer a static post, there’s still a photo tutorial on my blog for bound buttonholes. The bias facing tutorial is also helpful for this pattern, since the neckline is finished in this way.

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