Wearing History Clothing: Updates for 1st Week of December

Howdy all!

I’ve been doing all updates on the Kickstarter page, but I figured other folks might want to know what’s been going on, so I decided to switch to posting updates on the good ol’ blog.

Firstly- I know you guys should know by now that we reached the Kickstarter goal!  Yay!  But some of you don’t know that you can now order all the clothing items on my new Wearing History Clothing website.  How cool is that?  So, I got a few comments and messages that folks were bummed they missed out while items were available.  Well, they’re still available, you’ve just gotta go find them here.

Clothing is in Stock!– Clothing has started being produced and delivered, and I now have the Ruthie blouse, the Victoria dress, and most of the Smooth Sailing Trousers in Stock.  Plus, the Smooth Sailing trousers now include waist sizes 24″-40″!  Yay!

For a visual, that’s all of these styles:


And many thanks to the beautiful Jenn of Hair & Makeup for modeling for me.  If you’re in the L.A. area, she does great hair and makeup of all different eras.

Still in Production- We’re still waiting on the size 32″ waist Smooth Sailing trousers (that’s the size X-Large if you pre-ordered via Kickstarter), but they should be on the way soon.  As for the other styles, I am told that the Norma Jean blouse and the Scarf/Turban should be here by the middle of this month (though they have run a tad late on the other items, so we’ll safely say by the end of the month).  The Maisie dress will finish up the first collection, and those are most likely going to arrive in January.

THANK YOU to new customers and supporters! And especially for being so patient while things are getting made.  As you know, this is my first time doing this, so there has been a bit of a learning curve there, which pushed me a bit behind production schedule.  BUT everything that’s been coming back has been just fabulous, and the photos and feedback I’ve been hearing back have been amazing!  Everyone so far seems to really like their items, and I’m so, so happy!  I keep hearing that everyone’s very impressed with the quality, and that means the WORLD to me, since I spent so long on each and every little aspect of what has gone into each item!

Shipping for Kickstarter Supporters and Pre-Orders- If you ordered the Victoria, Maisie, or Smooth Sailing alone, or any combination thereof, your items have either already shipped or are in process- except for the size 32″ waist (size X-Large) Smooth Sailing trousers, which are still in production.  If you pre-ordered any items with other items that are still in production, here’s another note that the items will ship together.  I know I mentioned it before, but it’s worth noting again.  Because the Kickstarter included complimentary shipping, the shipping charge is for both items to ship in the same box, at the same time.  If you’re chomping at the bit for an item you know is currently in stock, but have to wait on other things to come in stock, and would be willing to pay the extra postage for two separate shipments, make sure you message me so that can be arranged.

Christmas Delivery- The in stock sizes of the Victoria dress, Maisie blouse, and Smooth Sailing trousers are available for Christmas delivery in the USA!  Make sure you share your wish list with your friends and family .  Doing so supports small business and USA made!  It’s worth noting that I do not believe any of the items made in my signature Melody print will arrive for Christmas delivery, sadly :(  But they’ll be an awesome post-holiday gift!

Please Help by Sharing a Review! If you’ve gotten your items, I would LOVE it if you could take a moment and review them on my website.  To do so, go to my website and to the item you pre-ordered.  At the bottom it should say “Reviews”.  I’ve been entering orders on my site for everyone who’s pre-ordered, so you should be able to leave me a review by using the email address connected with your Kickstarter account.  If you’ve been getting email notifications of orders that you placed, that’s my website telling you I’ve been transferring the Kickstarter orders to my website, to better keep track of orders and allow you to leave reviews.

Please Help Get the Word Out!  I really, really want this to continue, but to do that I will need your help getting out the word!  That means any links, blog posts, photos of you wearing garments, and website reviews are so, so needed by me!  I really have been so blessed by everyone’s support, and how everyone has really rallied behind me to make this happen, and if you love what you’ve received make sure you let other folks know so I can design and make more fun vintage revival clothing for new collections by having more folks find my little fledling clothing line. :)

What’s Next?  As soon as I am sure that every last piece is in production and things get a little calmer here behind the scenes, I’m going to be working on new designs.  Finally!  I’m so excited.  1950’s casual knits (not sweaters, but still cool), plus I’ve been really geeking out over quality Japanese cotton fabrics.  And the Melody print be back again in a brand new separate!  But I’ve gotta get this first collection underway first, and hopefully more folks will find me via your reviews and sharing so that more clothing goodies will be possible.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone!



4 Comments on Wearing History Clothing: Updates for 1st Week of December

  1. Tiffany
    December 3, 2014 at 2:03 pm (10 years ago)

    Hi Lauren! Are you ever going to product more of the bags you did with your Kickstarter? I wanted to buy one SO badly, but we had just purchased a house, and I just couldn’t do it. I would looooove to buy one if you ever do them again.

    • Lauren
      December 3, 2014 at 2:43 pm (10 years ago)

      Hi Tiffany!
      I’m not sure, but we’re thinking about it. :) Thanks for letting me know you are interested, I’ll definitely keep it in mind!
      Thanks a bunch!

  2. Tegan
    December 3, 2014 at 9:52 pm (10 years ago)

    If you make a non-acrylic knit dress I am 100% buying that. It’s damn hard to buy non-acrylic knit FABRIC much less garment.

  3. seannaacey
    December 4, 2014 at 9:24 am (10 years ago)

    I’m hoping at the first of the year I’ll be able to get your smooth sailing trousers. I want a pair so bad, LOL!

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