1908- How to Manipulate Long Skirts

 Happy Friday!

Today I have another set of images from The Delineator, November 1908.  If you ever feel a little out of your element in long skirts, or skirts with trains, here’s a great article that teaches how to manipulate them to move gracefully.

If you’ve studied Edwardian fashion for a while, you may recognize that the time period called these “Directoire” influence.  Now, granted, in view of the history of fashion, these have little to nothing to do with the Napoleonic and Regency dresses they were referencing, but if you consider the silhouette of historical fashion, the slim, long, draped skirt was relatively out of Vogue for around 80 years or so.  These must have seemed so refreshing and freeing, after decades of crinolines, cages, hoops, bustles, and layer upon layer of petticoats.

 “Grace is a gentle art with which Nature has endowed some, and which, others may acquire…. the proper wearing of one’s gown is an ever-present duty”.

I just love the way this period combined insult with praise.  Come, women, it’s your duty to make up for your klutziness!  Learn to move those skirts properly!

Click on the images for a larger version you can read.



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