Thanks so much for the suggestions on where to upload photos! I did start a Flickr account.
Here are photos of Paris and here are photos of England, though I have many, many more to go through!
Thanks so much to everyone cheering me on for my flea market fund raising and wardrobe building goals. It was so absolutely dreamy, and I hope we can go back again!
September 1, 2009 at 1:00 pm (15 years ago)>Oh! How fun… I'm off to check out all your photos!!! :)
Twila Jean
September 1, 2009 at 4:24 pm (15 years ago)>you are so beautiful and have the best sense of vintage style I have ever seen. wow. :)
September 4, 2009 at 1:37 pm (15 years ago)>I meant to comment on this the other day, and got interrupted. I went and looked at these photos and they are just wonderful!!! The periwinkle gown shots are so perfect, so incredible. What an eye you (and your photographer) have! Have you thought about a career in cinema? ;-)