This post and the last, and hopefully more to come, are from lovely French magazines I found at the Paris Flea Market. Here’s a few lovely blouses that make me long for cotton and lace- and a few little illustrations of detailing you may be able to use on your upcoming sewing projects!
On a separate note, I am slowly going through our trip photos and have some to share but was wondering of any of my lovely readers has any recommendations for free online photo albums? I would love to share, but was hoping that hosting and organizing was pre-done so I would not have to play with my limited website building knowledge. Suggestions are much appreciated!
Sorry for my posting tardiness- my computer was having a mind of it’s own and thankfully it is fixed now so I should be back on track!
Best wishes for a lovely afternoon!
Dizzy Dame
August 27, 2009 at 10:26 pm (15 years ago)>Flickr is a good place to start uploading your photos!
August 27, 2009 at 11:39 pm (15 years ago)>I love these blouses. Have you seen the amazing Edwardian blouse that Serendipitous Stitchery made? http://serendipitousstitchery.blogspot.com/2009/08/bouncing-in-time-1850s-summer-dress.htmlI like photobucket and their slideshows for image hosting, but really I'm not the person to ask!
August 28, 2009 at 2:21 am (15 years ago)>Flickr or photobucket!
August 28, 2009 at 8:00 am (15 years ago)>I use photobucket as well, and while you have to organize them yourself, it's a relatively easy process.Elaina
Tom Tuttle from Tacoma
August 29, 2009 at 12:26 pm (15 years ago)>i see many using Flickr :)