>Robe en Batiste, 1900

I thought I’d share this lovely Robe en Batiste from one of the French magazines I bought in Paris. This one is from 1900 and I just love the pleats and accents on the skirt! It wish I could have an excuse to wear such things every day. Well… other than in the massive heat wave we’ve been experiencing over the weekend. Here’s a few fun adverts from 1900 as well- wouldn’t they make fun icons and such? As usual, click on the pictures for a hi res copy.

3 Comments on >Robe en Batiste, 1900

  1. reilly
    September 2, 2009 at 7:17 am (15 years ago)

    >I have to say, I wouldn't mind wearing such a frock! There must be a way to incorporate antique fashions the way we do vintage.I would love to sew up one of the 1800 or 1900 Eva dress patterns, but they just never look simple! I guess that's part of the appeal. :)

  2. Sabayon
    September 2, 2009 at 4:38 pm (15 years ago)

    >I love old adverts like that. I am always amused with things like this French advert for the "American method" of beauty as I am sure that at the very same moment countless products in America were being sold as authentic French beauty products.That dress is incredibly lovely. I think perhaps if the hem were raised off the ground the skirt could be worn in a slightly eccentric everyday context.

  3. Sabayon
    April 7, 2011 at 11:40 pm (14 years ago)

    >I love old adverts like that. I am always amused with things like this French advert for the "American method" of beauty as I am sure that at the very same moment countless products in America were being sold as authentic French beauty products.That dress is incredibly lovely. I think perhaps if the hem were raised off the ground the skirt could be worn in a slightly eccentric everyday context.

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