Miroir des Modes, October 1907- Blouses

Sharing some more images from the Mirror des Modes, October 1907 issue.  Here are some lovely blouses.  These give excellent ideas for trimming.  It wouldn’t be too hard to modify my Edwardian Blouse Pattern to suit these styles!

And, as before, here’s images of the fashion images alone for you to use. Enjoy!


6 Comments on Miroir des Modes, October 1907- Blouses

  1. tina vines
    November 19, 2012 at 5:03 pm (12 years ago)

    These are so lovely! I just did a post on my blog featuring a book of Charles Dana Gibson’s drawings. I just love the look of the beautiful details in these blouses. Thank you for sharing!


    • Lauren
      November 19, 2012 at 6:38 pm (12 years ago)

      Oh how wonderful!!! Gibson is one of my very favorites. I, too, have a book- but a different one, and it’s one of my very favorite things. Thank you so much for sharing images from yours!!

    • Shirley Hobbs
      November 20, 2012 at 10:00 am (12 years ago)

      Goody goody! Another great blog to follow! :)

  2. Sandy
    November 27, 2012 at 2:01 pm (12 years ago)

    Hi, Lauren, here is what the first page says:

    The blouses shown in the top pic are made of, from left to right, Bordeaux taffeta with Irish guipure, light blue “louisine” with guipure, and black marquisette (a type of fine net, I think) and galoon.

    Hats are quite large (the front overall/especially, quite large) and generally flat, often lacking? Barrettes. Tall “calottes” (cloches?) with straight, tall trimmings placed in front continue in favor. Japanese and Chinese “galons” haven’t passed their last word and the most famous seamstresses employ them in profusion in cabbages (puffs?), voluminous knots, and borders. Large-petaled peonies are among the most sought-after flowers by the seamstresses, where persistent success allows it to bloom all autumn. Tints/colors accent solemn notes and they fall among sumptuous purples or cherry, the two preferred shades.

    A hat suitable for the first chilly days of the season and especially destined to wear in the morning all winter, is in muted-beige felt, small in form, with the [something not in my dictionary] to follow the countour of the head. A scarf of (bitten? Like modern ‘burnout?) silk goes around the crown and on the left is placed an enormous knot of silk and some very high maroon feathers (plumes/aiguillettes?).

    1481 – “corsage” waist for ladies
    This corsage-waist is mounted on a lining and into the upper layer is fitted and inserted a yoke. This can have an elongation toward the waist[line] simulating a plastron, or may be cut at the bustline. One can make this yoke in lace, or when the silk or whatever other other fabric is employed the soutache (braid) forms a pretty trim as our engraving indicates. The flat and high cuffs are made in lace and the folded-back cuffs end in forming the trim of the short sleeves if these are adopted. If a high collar is not preferred one can [?] the collar squared. The short pleats distribute the fullness in a becoming manner over the bust and a belt in soft leather encircles the waist. Suitable fabrics for this blouse are batiste, linen, muslin, dimity, and soft (or thin), supple silks.
    Pattern 1481 is sold in 7 sizes, for ladies from 81 to 112 cm. bust measure. For an 86-cm. bust, making the blouse requires 2 meters .25 (I assume, 2.25 meters) of fabric 88 cm wide, or 1 meter .95 of 110 cm [wide] in all one piece, or 2 meters .95 of silk in 52 [.52 m?] with 1 meter 40 of lace in 46 cm. Pattern price 1 franc 25.

    French is actually my third language so this is kinda hard work – I’ll get you the second page in a few days. I hope.

    • Lauren
      November 27, 2012 at 3:55 pm (12 years ago)

      Wow! Thank you, Sandy, for your help translating!
      No worries if you don’t want to do any more. I know it’s a busy time of year, and it was so very generous of you to offer in the first place!

      • Sandy
        November 30, 2012 at 11:45 am (12 years ago)

        Actually, I’m doing this as “homework” – it’s been too many years . . . decades . . . since school and I don’t want to lose any more of my French than I have to!
        Here’s the rest:
        The blouses are made of, from left to right, crepe-de-chine with quipure; white batiste with embroidered motifs and entre-deux; black satinette (sateen?) with guipure over filet; and satin-taffeta with guipure.
        1504 – Pleated or gathered Corsage-blouse for Ladies
        This type of chemisette has the advantage of carrying embroidered decoration to charming effect. The embroidery of the yoke is done on “national fabric” with applications of valenciennes entre-doux, also for the edges, at the joining of the points, made by entre-doux, for the collar and the high cuffs; on the cuffs, one alternates a row of entre-doux with a row of embroidery. One can, without doing the embroidery oneself, buy ready-made medallions in the [boutiques? Department stores?] which also give very good results. Another manner of reproducing this very elegant waist is to make the yoke all of one piece and the edge with numerous stitches/points; without embroidering the yoke, one can make it in Cluny lace or in guipure; the two manners are equally graceful. The waist should be lined, except for the yoke if it is made in guipure. The front and the back are decorated [assembled] with tiny pleats, if one prefers t gathering one may gather them, the nickline may be cut low or with a collar. The sleeves are bfull, short or long, the both are ended with a cuff or a guipure edging.
        Patter 1504 is sold in 7 sizes, for ladies of 81 to 112 cm. bust meausre, for 86 cm. bust measure, the construction of the waist requires 2 meters 60 of cloth 88 cm [wide], or 1 m 85 in 110 cm wide. Price of pattern: 1 franc 25.
        1412 (the far right-hand lady in the illo.)
        Blouse 1412 is sold in 7 sizes, from 76 to 107 cm. bust. For the medium size the construction of this chemisette takes 3 meters fabric in 70 cm, or 1 m. 85 in 110 cm, with 75 cm lace in 46-cm to cover the collar, the yoke and the cuffs. Price of pattern: 1 franc 25.
        WHAT TYPE OF FUR will be worn this winter? Here is the question which absorbs everyone. If the Elegantes are impatient to have new and costly furs those who are sensitive to the cold, will try to shelter themselves under warm furs. The sensible and economical woman will have her choice for the winter during the summer, as she knows she can have something really beautiful at a reduced price, called the summer price. The “pécan” (not in my dictionary, and the only thing close I’ve been able to find is the heraldic “pean” or “paean”, which is black with gold ermine-tail spots) or fisher, is a long-pile fur of very ordinary appearance and coarser than zibeline which seems to be retiring to leave its place to the latter and to fox. The fur of skunk has ceased to please. It’s one of the most recent edicts of one of our able furriers, to dedicate all their efforts to rich furs such as fox. After having dyed(? Or dry-cleaned) the fur, it’s “pointiled” (I think, tip-dye) by a very able and experienced hand, using a product which is sprinkled on. The pointilled fox, which is very rare, will be the most fashionable fur.

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