>The Invisible Stylist

>My friend and college, Susan Linnet Cox, wrote a nice blog entry about me, and I thought I’d return the favor!
If you ever wonder how those darn Etsy sellers keep coming up with lovely and creative ways to display their product, Susan sure knows the tricks. She’s written a book on styling and has quite a career teaching internet classes on the “how to’s” to make your photos look great.
Her blog, The Invisible Stylist, is just up and running and I’m excited to see the content she’ll share.

As a side note- thanks all for the comments on my last blog about the repro patterns! I’m still working on it when I can. Since a couple of you asked, for now it’s just going to be the sizes of my originals. I’m the world’s slowest grader, so possibly down the line I will do that or look into having them computer graded. Thanks again!

1 Comment on >The Invisible Stylist

  1. Shrinky Inky
    July 18, 2009 at 2:17 am (16 years ago)

    >thanks for the update on the repro pattern, Lauren. I'll still buy it – must have that top for my trousers (and my veteran sailor boy will love me in it!)

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