Unboxing and Sharing Antique Clothing Treasures!

When a wonderful follower reached out to me and asked if I’d like to give her clothing collection a new home I was completely over the moon! This person’s collection (who requests to remain anonymous), was a crossover with my own passions of 1910s clothing. After quite a delay (School germs! Life craziness! Stinkin’ work!) I finally was able to sit down on a rainy morning and unbox these gorgeous treasures!

I’d love to share more details about individual pieces, if anyone would be interested. Please reach out if you’d like that at a future point. Maybe another “How I’d draft it” reprise? Those are fun to do :)

Side note: Since this was the first time I got to see these beautiful garments in person my dates might be slightly off. I chatted a bit with the wonderful gifter, and we think the lovely net dress with roses could be closer to 1915-1916. And, thinking on the other net dress, it might be slightly earlier- the bodice seems right on the dot for 1913ish. But it is quite hard to tell with antique garments, as they could be adapted, or changed, either to keep up with fashion or to the wearer’s specific needs. Regardless, they certainly are from sometime in the 1910s, even if a year or two off my original gut-reaction. I just wanted to add a bit of a correction here, so as not to misinterpret!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing me to be the new custodian of these garments, and to share them with others who might enjoy!

I hope you loved the video! Which garment was your favorite? It’s hard for me to pick, but for me it’s a tie between the net dress with roses and the fabulous black and mustard bodice with the high neck collar!



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