Just a really quick note, as I realize that I may have newer readers that are not familiar with my blog’s origin.
Almost all of the images posted on this blog have been created by me.
This includes photographs I have taken
Photographs taken of me
(I don’t think I’ve had a paid photographer other than for my wedding. Usually it’s either from friends, my husband, or a tripod)
And, most often, images I have scanned in from my period archives
I have accumulated these through buying and collecting for a long, long time!
Which are then (usually) remastered by me so the details are more easily recognizable. (I sometimes get lazy and don’t do this, but not often). I often even take the crazy amounts of time needed to type up the text so it’s more easily accessible through search engines.
Side note- The same is true of my patterns- which are *vastly* different from the period source material they originated from by the time I’ve got them in my shops (i.e. they’re not frail little pieces of tissue with dots for holes, often multi-size instead of single size, etc). I *never* use someone else’s drafts or reproductions (highly illegal, even if the source is public domain, their version is their creation so its not). My patterns are always either rare period originals or my own drafts.
I previously did not watermark the majority of my images, which, in retrospect, was a mistake! I often see my images circulating on Pinterest and social media with no attribution. I’ve even seen other blogs and sites *watermark images I HAVE MADE* (how rude!). Sometimes even photographs of me and my friends have been mistaken for period images. But Pinterest and social media didn’t exist when I started the blog, and heaven knows we didn’t realize they’d stick around!
If I ever don’t own the images myself, I’ll source back to where I found them. Because everyone should be recognized in their collective efforts to share the love of vintage and fashion history.
I think it’s super easy to get distracted and lazy about quoting sources because images become so familiar to us in the online world. We forget that they have to originate from *somewhere*! And, often times, if it’s not from museum staff or volunteers, it’s from people with blogs or other accounts who are sharing their collections and knowledge just for the love of it.
So that’s all! I’m not grumpy about it- just a bit amused and kind of surprised when I see things making the rounds. I always appreciate a link back to my blog if I’m the origin of the period source. I share them out of love of history and study, and I love that they’re appreciated! But a link back so more folks can find me and what I do is always appreciated.
Like I said, all of these fashion history archives and knowledge are a collective effort, and I appreciate the amazing resources put out by others through their own work and at their own expense. It’s amazing how much we have access to through individual people’s joy and love of fashion history.
That’s all! Carry on!
Thanks for the love and for loving the old images I share!