An Estate Sale in a 1920s House

This weekend well and truly felt like Summer! After weeks of passing around germs, it felt so good to all be well and get out!

First, we went to an estate sale with a lot of family antiques, but I’ll do a different post on that one, since I *did* take photos of a wedding dress and portrait to share.

The next day we ran over to check out a 1920s house estate sale. To be honest, I wanted to see the house more than I cared about antiquing (which was good, as most was quite pricey). The home was gutted inside, and apparently bought by a developer. It’s on about two acres right by the beach and must have been *magnificent* when it was new. I would love to think it would be restored, but since the property is so valuable and so much land, I doubt it will. Extra motivation to document it for myself!

How I wanted to go up that spiral staircase! But it was all blocked off for safety.

I did get some short little videos for a walk-through. YouTube wouldn’t allow me to make it long enough to post all in one piece, so here it is in two parts:

I was very tempted by this chair, but I was good and didn’t adopt it. I’ve been wanting to re-do the living room theme to be Old California/Western. I’ll find a better piece (and the room) eventually.

I did, however, adopt these two Edwardian hat pins. One was $4 and one was $2. I’ll need to tidy them up, but I couldn’t resist them for that cheap.

This one says LPE 1904. I figured someone’s initials, or perhaps an organization, but I have just now found out that it’s for the Louisiana Purchase Expo, also known as the St Louis World’s Fair. Meet me in St Louis, Louis will now be in my head all day.

Hope everyone is having a great summer!

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