This little gem with delightfully mouth-watering illustrations comes from the August, 1928 edition of the Modern Priscilla. Because nothing says “Summer” like vegetable oil! But honestly, there’s nothing like Crisco for some baking. I don’t know why it is, but it is. I’ll just say my grandma was right.
Enjoy! And if you make any of these let me know how they are or tag me on social media!

Summer Desserts in half an hour-
But taste your shortening first
Don’t you revel in the markets these days-trays piled high with blushing peaches, with blackberries, and huckleberries all blue-bl ack and dewy? This month I am devoting my page to dainty desserts made with
these seasonable fruits. These recipes are just a few among hundreds sent to me from Crisco homes. I have cooked each of them several times-all are simple, inexpensive and wonderfully quick to prepare.
There’s just one caution, with which I am sure you’ll agree: In making these delicate desserts we must be
particular about the shortening we use. Any suggestion of strong taste in the fat may spoil the true flavor
of the dish itself.
I for one would not think of using, in any of my cooking, a fat I am unwilling to taste. And Crisco is
one fat I’ve found that tastes and smells perfectly pure and sweet, just as it comes from the can.
Have you ever tasted Crisco in comparison with other shortenings? I suggest you do: Place a bit of
Crisco on the tip of a spoon; on another, a little of any other shortening. Taste Crisco first, then the other.
Did you ever dream there could be such a difference in the taste of cooking fats? Imagine what an improvement Crisco’s fresh sweetness will make in the taste of the foods you prepare with it.
Do you wonder that 2,500,000 women gladly pay a few pennies more for Crisco-when they know that it gives them flakier pie crust, lighter cakes, snowy biscuits, feathery muffins, crispy brown fried foods- each
with its natural flavor at its sweetest and best?
California Quick Summer Pie
(with apples, peaches or berries)
5 medium-size apples , tablespoon Crisco ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ cup sugar (more, if apples are very sour) ¼ teaspoon salt
Peel and slice apples into well-Criscoed pie-plate. Mix sugar, salt
and cinnamon together. Sprinkle over apples, t hen dot with Crisco.
Roll pastry to size of pie-plate. Cover; press edges down firmly.
Make 4 or 5 slits with knife to allow steam to escape. Bake in
hot oven (450° F) 10 minutes, until pie begins to brown. Reduce
heat to moderate (3 50° F ); bake until apples are soft-20 to
30 minutes more. To serve, slip knife under edge of crust, turn
upside down on large plate; cover with sweetened whipped cream.
Will serve 6 to 8. (Use peaches or berries instead of apples, if you
wish. If berries, mix 2 tablespoons flour with each cup of sugar; if
blueberries, add I teaspoon vinegar.)
For pastry, sift I¼ cups flour and ¼ teaspoon salt together.
Cut ¼ cup Crisco in with two knives until consistency of small
peas. Add only enough water to hold (4 to 6 tablespoons).
By Mrs. J. 0. D., Merced
Washington Fruit Boat
An unusually dainty peach or apple dessert.
1 cup pastry flour I teaspoon sugar I egg, beaten
.¼ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons Crisco ¼ cup milk
I teaspoon baking powd”: 4 to 6 peaches or apples
Sift dry ingredients twice. Rub Crisco in with the fingers. l ix egg
with milk. Add to first mixture. Spread over bottom of Criscoed
shallow pan (2″ or 311 deep and 10″ or 11 ” long is a good size) .
Cover with sliced peaches or apples. Over this pour the following
custard : Beat 2 egg yolks light; add ½ cup sugar and½ cup milk.
Bake in hot oven (450° F) about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to moderate
(3 25° F ) and bake about 20 minutes longer, until custard is
set. Serve with sweetened whipped cream. serves 6 to 8 people.
By Miss E. B., Pullman
Connecticut Pecan Peach Shortcake
Shortcakes made with Crisco are short, tender, light and crisp.
2 cups bread flour 5 tablespoons Crisco r egg beaten
4 teaspoons baking powder ½ cup broken pecans milk or water
½ teaspoon sale 12 to 15 peaches
Sift flour, baking powder and salt together four times. Work Crisco
in with fork. Stir in nuts. Beat egg in cup, add enough milk or
water to make ¾ cup. Add to dry ingredients. Roll; cut in individual
shortcakes or spread in layer cake pans for family-size
shortcake. Bake in hot oven (450° F)-12 to 15 minutes for individual shortcakes; 20 to 25 minutes for large cakes.
Peel and slice peaches, mix with powdered sugar. Split shortcake,
butter the inside of the two layers. Cover lower half with
peaches. Put on upper half. Add more peaches and top with
sweetened whipped cream. Serves 8 to 10 people.
By Miss C. L. A., Salisbury
All measurements level. Recipes tested and approved by Good
Housekeeping Institute. Crisco is the registered trade-mark of a
shortening manufactured by The Procter & Garn hie Co.