Please help by sharing and pledging or pre-ordering via Kickstarter!
I’ve got a VERY LIMITED AMOUNT of Early Bird Specials, including discounts on each clothing item and a limited edition tote bag!
With your help, we can make this made in the USA vintage clothing line a reality!!
Brigid Boyer
August 28, 2014 at 6:47 am (10 years ago)Yay! I am SO happy for you! I can’t wait to see what the Lord will do with your business. Unfortunately, even though I would LOVE to help, I can’t afford to right now. I hope all the best for your kickstarter, and that it will be a start to something amazing!
August 29, 2014 at 2:15 pm (10 years ago)Thank you! The Lord is GOOD! I’m amazed at what He’s done so far!
I just appreciate the prayers and support. Thank you so much!
August 28, 2014 at 9:01 pm (10 years ago)This is fantastic! Will there eventually be a line of men’s clothing too? I’ll donate here in a bit!
August 29, 2014 at 2:14 pm (10 years ago)I do really want to do menswear! The more we’re able to raise, the more likely it will happen!