Updates: Etsy Store and Esther Williams Swimsuits!

Hello!  Just a few quick notes!

Firstly, I’ve got a very limited amount of brand new Esther Williams one piece swimsuits available on my website here.  These usually retail for $75+, but I’ve got them available for $45.  If interested, visit my website page here.

My Etsy store is back open!  I’ve got vintage patterns listed on there, and more coming in the following weeks. If you haven’t “hearted” me on there, go take a gander and add me to your favorite shops.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

1 Comment on Updates: Etsy Store and Esther Williams Swimsuits!

  1. Sean MacKenzie
    July 7, 2012 at 10:31 am (13 years ago)

    If I went to pools/lakes more, I’d probably get one. I haven’t had to wear a swimsuit in….well maybe 3 or 4 years. But I will check out your shop and I think I’ve added yours to my faves.

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