>My high society dream outfit, circa 1936


 1936.  One of my all time favorite years.  It’s when the Queen Mary made her maiden voyage.  It’s when Raiders of the Lost Ark, my all time favorite movie, takes place. It’s a fabulous year for clothing and cars.

I kid you not, when I opened up this catalog to this page my jaw dropped.  It’s pretty lucky I didn’t drool, cause I’d then have to smack myself for getting slobber on something this old.
My dream outfit.  If I was of the “ladies who lunch” this outfit would be the highlight of my wardrobe.  I’ll take it in green, please.  And the hat! The perfect little feminine hat.  Oh my goodness, so yummy I could devour the entire ensemble in a gulp.  Ok, so I know the price range is not exactly high society, but this was a pretty darn good attempt by a mail order catalog at high style 1930s clothing! And heck, less money on one dress means I can get it in two colors…  It would be about $76 in today’s money, less than what you’d pay at a store like Macys or Anthro.
I wonder if one of these outfits still exists out there.  I always wonder that about old catalogs.

9 Comments on >My high society dream outfit, circa 1936

  1. Rueby...
    February 18, 2010 at 4:38 am (15 years ago)

    >Me too! I have a 1948 Eatons catalogue and a 1952 Sears & Roebuck catalogue and every now and then I like to flip through and see if I've ever seen any of the things in the catalogue. I found a dressform ad on Ebay once and looked it up and found a full out description on the sizing and what not in the catalogue! :D Super handy. I've never come across a dress or such though…the shoes are what I always want want want.

  2. casey
    February 18, 2010 at 10:54 am (15 years ago)

    >Oh wow–this is so fantastic! :D I would drool too (so, keep me away from your precious old papers! haha!). ;) I just adore the sleeve detailing–very unique. That would be amazing if you could find a version of it on Ebay or some antique site… who knows?!♥ Caseyblog | elegantmusings.com

  3. Sonia
    February 18, 2010 at 12:53 pm (15 years ago)

    >Amazing! So detailed and yet not overwhelming. I definitely see it in green, a nice strong cheerful green!

  4. nancy
    February 18, 2010 at 1:58 pm (15 years ago)

    >My goodness, I have never seen anything quite like those sleeves! And I agree with Sonia; green would be the ideal color.

  5. C.K. Dexter Haven
    February 18, 2010 at 3:31 pm (15 years ago)

    >The model's up-turned nose is a delight!1936 was a great year for William Powell, who appeared in:My Man Godfrey (Best Actor nomination)The Great Ziegfeld (Best Picture, 1936)After the Thin ManThe Ex-Mrs. Bradford (Thin Man-lite w/ Jean Arthur).

  6. Val
    February 18, 2010 at 3:46 pm (15 years ago)

    >Am I crazy? when I imagined this outfit in green, I suddenly found myself thing Robin Hood. What stunning sleeves…..

  7. Wearing History
    February 18, 2010 at 4:38 pm (15 years ago)

    >Oh my gosh, C.K. Dexter Haven (I really want to say that like Jimmy Stewart when he rides up tot he house, so you can read it like that if you like ;) ) how in the world could I have forgotten the amazing moves, especially by Mr. Powell! Three of those films you mentioned are on my "best movies of all time" list. Thanks for the reminder! Man, '36 was a great year.Val, you're actually not far off. In two years from now Robin Hood would come out and then you REALLY see Sherwood Forest fashions, including the elusive green pointy hat with feather (preferably suede) that someday I will find and purchase ;)I'm glad you guys get as much of a kick out of this as I do :)

  8. Nadja
    February 18, 2010 at 6:11 pm (15 years ago)

    >Wonderfull! I think that is my dream outfit too now :)

  9. Magaly
    February 18, 2010 at 6:49 pm (15 years ago)

    >I love that hat! and the sleeves amazing…

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