>A Perfect Vintage Christmas


Super Kawaii Mama is having a fun contest over on her blog, so this is my entry :)

The perfect vintage Christmas would start going to get our tree with my husband and I going to get a tree with his 1939 Plymouth and some friends.  He would run the little heater and give me a nice cozy plaid blanket to wrap around me to keep me snug.  We would go to pick out our tree and while I pour the hot chocolate from a vintage thermos with matching cups he would be busy chopping the tree.  In my make believe happy Christmas land our California would have just enough of a chill to see your breath but not enough to freeze your toes and ears, and we would have a nice powdery snow that would fall off the trees branches as he takes it back to the car.  We would strap it on and sing in off key voices all sorts of silly Christmas tunes as we got back to the house.

We would have the house all warm and toasty when we got back with a nice fire in the fireplace and friends would sit around and string popcorn chains while chatting merrily about what happened the last year and their hopes for the future.  My cat would probably be laying about somewhere underfoot, all sprawled out and trying not to notice people kept nearly missing him as they rushed to and fro with yummy food or decorations.  The house would smell like oranges and pine and the goose would put off a lovely aroma from the oven.

Around our vintage table we’d gather- the tablecloth probably wildly embellished with colorful Poinsettias and holly, and hot dishes would be served on crocheted trivets in bold colors.  Sparkling cider all around in nice tall mix matched glasses.  The dinner would be a conglomeration of everyone’s efforts- goose and cranberries, Yorkshire puddings and green bean casserole, lots of pie for dessert and coffee in the 1930s electric pot with little vintage coffee cups all lined up and shining for after dinner.  After dinner we go into the living room where we sprawl out on cushions on the floor, bohemian style.  The women kick off their heels and the men put aside their hats.  We pull out board games or tell stories, and listen to records on the Victrola.  The night ends with us walking our friends and family outside to the light of a kerosene lantern- smiles on everyone’s faces and billows of our breath visibly joining each other in the sky when we laugh together.
That’s my ideal vintage Christmas- full of love and togetherness with friends and family.

5 Comments on >A Perfect Vintage Christmas

  1. Lauren
    December 3, 2009 at 4:26 pm (15 years ago)

    >That sounds simply wonderful. God Bless!

  2. Meg
    December 3, 2009 at 7:11 pm (15 years ago)

    >Bravo! That sounds a little like last year! Oh how I hope we can do it again this year — We're coming to town the week of the 17th and staying through the 22 or 23.

  3. Rhonda @ Shellbelle's Tiki Hut
    December 3, 2009 at 8:08 pm (15 years ago)

    >Oh, this sounds so wonderful, especially the hot cocoa and chopping down the tree.Funny, I didn't know about this competition, but my post today includes postcards from Santa's Village in California from 1960 and a photo of my family all dressed up in front of our aluminum tree the same year.I guess I was in a nostalgic Christmas mood today and you took me back even further! Loved it all.

  4. Kesenya
    December 4, 2009 at 8:32 pm (15 years ago)

    >I love this !! Your photos too, are just divine, and you blog is wonderful ! Bravo! XX

  5. Avalon76
    December 4, 2009 at 9:16 pm (15 years ago)

    >Doesn't this just sound lovely! ^_^

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