>Wardrobe Recap- England

>It’s about time, isn’t it? After posting all about the prep, I got lazy when it was all over and neglected to share pics from when I was there!
My husband and I went on a lovely vacation to England this summer- we were really blessed to do it- everything just fell into place little by little. A year ago we would have never dreamed it to be possible! We were invited by some good friends to come over for a week long event, circa 1938, so wardrobe planning was a bit of a challenge. We had never done a vintage event that long!
Unfortunately I don’t have photos of every outfit I wore- there’s a few that we either forgot or were busy or didn’t bring the camera along. Whoops? You’d think after all that I’d have photo proof!
Anyways, in no particular order, here’s most of the wardrobe, minus one evening gown, a day dress, and possible others that I’ve forgotten!

Here’s the little linen suit I had worked on. I’m not too happy with the way it looks in this photo (my belt was too tight, darn it!) but I’m still happy with it sewing-wise. I wore this on the day we arrived- we all piled into a 1935 Riley to arrive in style. I got the hat on etsy from Bette Be Good Vintage.

These aren’t the best photos of this dress, but it’s a blue cotton dress I had made last year. This is my second time wearing it, and I really do love it. It’s so soft and breathable. I wore this for the “Regatta Breakfast”, celebrating all things nautical.

This one I whipped up the week before the trip. Perhaps you remember me mentioning my Fiesta dress before, but thinking of it in terms of 1940s? I changed my mind and made up this little halter dress from linen from a 1937 pattern. It does have a matching bolero jacket, but I don’t think I have any photos with it on! The shoes I found on the trip- a lady who sells a lot of costumes to Poirot was there, and I purchased these amazing (and rare) 30s beach sandals from her. I’d been wanting some forever! Hurrah! When my white heels took a spill the second night there these were fill in for nearly everything. Luckily, evening dresses are long enough to cover a multitude of errors.

Here’s a group of some lovely girlfriends in evening attire. That’s me on the left in the obnoxious cotton plaid dress. I have had this dress for years and years! I purchased it from a local vintage shop that is no more- Dick, Jane, and Spike. Oh, how I miss her store! But the dress was fun. I was hesitant to bring it since it’s so loud, but everyone liked it! I love the rick rack on the little jacket, and it’s very easy to wear in summer heat.

Ah, here’s a very unflattering picture of me… I was feeling poorly that morning, but the dress is darn cute! I bought this on Etsy from Childhood Memories. It literally came the day before we left, so I popped it right into my bag since I was an outfit short. Hurrah! The little yellow hat was from the same seller there as the shoes. Unfortunately this is after my white shoes took a spill, and I was very sad not to have them for this outfit. The purse was a lucky ebay find, and the shoes I bought years and years ago from Vintage Silhouettes before they sold their stock. Art now makes amazing custom hats.

If you follow my little blog, you’ve probably already seen this photo! This is a great periwinkle blue gown I bought on Ebay. The seller had it mislisted as Victorian, so I got it for about $20 plus shipping. It’s one of my very favorite dresses now- perfect for dancing and spinning circles! I think the fur was a thrift store find, and the earrings came from a little local antique store that has since gone out of business.

This outfit was one of my favorites. It was so much fun and so comfy! The jacket I bought there from the host and hostess of the event. It’s SO amazing, and so rare! I had been looking for a real one of these for years and years, so it was meant to be. It’s a late 30s tweed jacket in a yummy color combo of purple, burgandy, and off white. It fits just like a glove, and I love the directional stripes on the pockets and the darts at the sleeve caps. The hat was a find from the Porte De Vanves flea market in Paris- old store stock and never worn. The colors are fabulous! The scarf was loaned to me from my good girlfriend over there who we stayed with- she saw the had and had the perfect color match! Hurrah! And the dress is a knit dress with fun brown little buttons all the way up that I found on etsy from WickedPen.

I can’t believe I almost didn’t pack this dress, and it was probably my favorite one I brought! This was for Empire Night, the dressiest night of the trip. This gown is a black and gold taffeta and still has the NRA label inside. The dress was from Ebay, from when a vintage seller was clearing out their stock. I think I got it for under $40! Totally meant to be. The shoes were from the Long Beach flea market. One of the best parts of the gown is the back. Unfortunately I don’t have a good shot of it, but here’s one of me talking to the Duchess- she makes all her own gowns!

Oh, I love this dress! This was probably my biggest wardrobe splurge beforehand, but I bought it when I was at the opera and making good wages so I don’t feel at all guilty! This was from the eBay seller Mill Street Vintage. It’s got little metal studs all up the front and on the sleeves, and is the softest ever wool/silk blend, I believe. It looks like it was a very expensive dress originally. These are the same black shoes from above, and the hat is gold lame with black feathers and I purchased it years and years ago from Vintage Martini when he was at the Santa Monica Vintage Fashion Expo.

Oh, dear! I was on a role and I’m all out of pics! Oh well. I’ll try to get some shots of the other two outfits I wore. I think you already saw the pajamas– I danced late into the night the last night in them- it was such fun to have a dancing pj party!

Many thanks for the overwhelming good wishes for our first anniversary! We ordered in Thai food and had a nice quiet evening. We decided to wait until friday for our “date night”, but it was so nice and romatic, with time to reflect together.
Best wishes for a lovely week!

21 Comments on >Wardrobe Recap- England

  1. Twila Jean
    September 15, 2009 at 8:46 pm (15 years ago)

    >my goodness, you have the best wardrobe I have ever seen. Seriously, I would love to shop in your closet :D also thanks for buying that pattern from me, I shipped it out this morning :)

  2. Ms. B
    September 15, 2009 at 8:51 pm (15 years ago)

    >So many wonderful clothes! I can't pick a favorite!

  3. Dizzy Dame
    September 15, 2009 at 8:54 pm (15 years ago)

    >Your outfits are amazing!

  4. reilly
    September 15, 2009 at 8:58 pm (15 years ago)

    >When you posted these on Flickr I about died!Everything is so great but I especially love all the outfits that you made! The 'fiesta' one turned out so cute, and the hats! Hats! So awesome.

  5. Iknowkaratevoodootoo
    September 15, 2009 at 9:20 pm (15 years ago)

    >Everything about this post makes my heart melt!!

  6. "The Golden Girl of the West"
    September 15, 2009 at 11:24 pm (15 years ago)

    >All of them are beautiful wardrobe ensembles Lauren! If I had to pick a fave, it too would be the black & gold 30's evening gown. You look gorgeous!XOXO,Syd

  7. AlohaAroha
    September 16, 2009 at 3:26 am (15 years ago)

    >How fun and fantastic! I love the black and gold dress, and the white button all the way up dress. You look so perfectly period!

  8. casey
    September 16, 2009 at 1:47 pm (15 years ago)

    >Oh wow!!! I'm drooling over each and every one of these dresses. :) The fact that you had so many places you could really go all-out and dress up is so neat! I think my favorite has to be that evening gown you wore to Empire Night–stunning!- Caseyelegantmusings.com

  9. laurakitty
    September 17, 2009 at 12:02 am (15 years ago)

    >Wow! What an amazing trip- and you look so spectacular in all of these photos! So glamorous and so period! You're making me want to throw out my closet and go completely 30s!

  10. knitosaurusrex
    September 17, 2009 at 2:47 pm (15 years ago)

    >I just stumbled upon your blog, but my are all of these dresses wonderful and completely inspiring! My favorite is the semi-backless evening gown, but all of them seem to fit you like a glove, hardly believable you didn't make all of them yourself!

  11. Lynn
    September 17, 2009 at 4:57 pm (15 years ago)

    >From one lover of vintage 30s to another classy gal! Please, please stop by and visit us at Wallflowervintage.com – Oh my, we do carry your style and petite size.Fabulous pictures, how do we get invited next time?

  12. Barbee
    September 22, 2009 at 1:33 pm (15 years ago)

    >What a wonderful trip you must have had! And you had such a fabulous wardrobe. I love the black and gold evening dress. Stunning! Did you stay in that great house where you got the nice pictures?

  13. Juddie
    September 25, 2009 at 12:33 am (15 years ago)

    >Oh so FABULOUS!

  14. Kate
    September 27, 2009 at 1:49 am (15 years ago)

    >The floaty periwinkle dress is gorgeous.

  15. sewvintage
    October 7, 2009 at 3:48 pm (15 years ago)

    >Lauren, we met in England and I just stumbled over your blog on the web, what a coincidence. Didn't we have fun?And I really must say, for all the preoccupations you might have had, you were certainly one of the best dressed ladies there. And the stuff you make, wow! I get a heavy case of inferiority complex here.Greetings from Germany,Ingrid

  16. *Katia*
    April 28, 2010 at 10:20 am (15 years ago)

    >i love that blu gown!!i think i will follow your blog :)velvetandoldlaces.blogspot.com

  17. Lauren
    April 7, 2011 at 11:39 pm (14 years ago)

    >Lauren, we met in England and I just stumbled over your blog on the web, what a coincidence. Didn't we have fun?And I really must say, for all the preoccupations you might have had, you were certainly one of the best dressed ladies there. And the stuff you make, wow! I get a heavy case of inferiority complex here.Greetings from Germany,Ingrid

  18. Lauren
    April 7, 2011 at 11:39 pm (14 years ago)

    >From one lover of vintage 30s to another classy gal! Please, please stop by and visit us at Wallflowervintage.com – Oh my, we do carry your style and petite size.Fabulous pictures, how do we get invited next time?

  19. Lauren
    April 7, 2011 at 11:39 pm (14 years ago)

    >I just stumbled upon your blog, but my are all of these dresses wonderful and completely inspiring! My favorite is the semi-backless evening gown, but all of them seem to fit you like a glove, hardly believable you didn't make all of them yourself!

  20. Lauren
    April 7, 2011 at 11:39 pm (14 years ago)

    >my goodness, you have the best wardrobe I have ever seen. Seriously, I would love to shop in your closet :D also thanks for buying that pattern from me, I shipped it out this morning :)

  21. Lauren
    April 7, 2011 at 11:39 pm (14 years ago)

    >Your outfits are amazing!

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