>Three Hour Sweater

>Well, the (3 hour) twelve hour sweater is done. It was SUPPOSED to be my size. I even swatched it. But it stretched and stretched and now it’s not even close to my size :( And it doesn’t even hold the ribbing right :( Crappy acrylic pound of yarn. After I was done except for one sleeve, of course, I read a knit-a-long for it and found out it turned out big for everyone, so I guess I’m at least not alone in that. So I’m not really made of fail, but the pattern is. No wonder it was just an illustration. I even shortened it an inch in the body and made it a size smaller. Oh well..

3 Comments on >Three Hour Sweater

  1. Avalon76
    December 4, 2009 at 9:19 pm (15 years ago)

    >Ooh, that's good to know – this is my next project (after the holiday Knitpocalypse).

  2. Avalon76
    April 7, 2011 at 11:40 pm (13 years ago)

    >Ooh, that's good to know – this is my next project (after the holiday Knitpocalypse).

  3. twila jean
    October 2, 2011 at 4:25 am (13 years ago)

    I made this on one size smaller needles than what it said, and it seemed to work just fine for me, and I use bargain barrel yarn. I am making it a second time tonight hoping for a better result tho :)
    You should try it again sometime with a different yarn maybe? its super cute finished

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