>From the New York Times, August 2, 1908:
To wash a boa:
Do not despair if your boa looks like a drowned rat. Boas of marabou or cock’s feathers can be cleaned as efficaciously by means of soap and water as by any more expensive methods.
A lather of good soap should be prepared with a little warm water; the boa immersed in this and left to soak for a few minutes, when it should be worked gently in the fingers and rinsed in several clean, lukewarm waters until all soil is eliminated.
The effect is hardly encouraging when it is removed from the water, for it does suggest a drowned rat more than ever, but if shaken gently out of doors in the wind it will regain all its original fluffiness.
London Banquets M.Marcel
Hairdressers Honor Inventor of “Wave” While Band Plays
Special Cable to The New York Times
London, Aug. 1- M. Marcel, the famous Parisian hairdresser, who invented an elaborate fashion of waving feminine tresses, has been in London this week, and was entertained at a great banquet by the leading capillary artists of the country. His popularity with his colleagues is due to the fact that no woman can “marcel” her own hair. At any rate, so the exponets of the process have claimed.
M. Marcel, who is a dapper little old man, gave a public demonstration by “waving” the hair of his daughter. He also told how he came to discover the process by which his name has won world-wide fame.
Twenty-eight years ago M. Marcel “waved” the heads of his clients for half a franc. Years ago he retired from business to a chateau in Normandy, having frequently recieved as much as 1,000 francs from his fair clients for a single sitting.
“My mother’s hair,” said M. Marcel in the course of his London demonstration, “had a natural wave, but only on the top of her head. With my curling irons I experimented on her hair, seeking to repeat the natural wave on her head. Three weeks after I had ‘waved’ her hair she came to see my again, and the ‘wave’ to my surprise, was still there. Then I knew I had indeed made a discovery.
“The secret? Simply a knack in the turn of the wrist and a series of movements of the irons that makes the ‘wave’ lasting. I realized at once that I was a benefactor to all womankind. Only a very few women are fortunate enough to possess naturally curly hair. Those who have straight locks are now able to show as artistic a head of hair as their more fortunate sisters, and every woman is grateful to me in consequence.”
At the close of the demonstration the band played “See, the Conquering Hero Comes,” and Marcel walked up tot he platform to recieve a casket contining an illuminated address.