First of all, I want to thank you all who took the time to comment on my last blog post about our car accident and my new job. All of your kind thoughts and prayers have been truly appreciated. I’m still not normal yet (it happened only a week ago), but things are getting better little by little.
It ends up I had a concussion and several pulled muscles, as well as whiplash. My husband is not quite as bad (the car hit mostly on my side), but he does have injuries as well, including whiplash and sore muscles. For what happened, we’re SO fortunate it wasn’t worse!! I’ve got some meds from the doctor and have started physical therapy, which is helping, and I’ve been using an ice pack quite a bit which helps the soreness and headaches. I can’t really do much sewing, since it really hurts my shoulder. In a way I’m thankful it happened when it did, since I have a few weeks off for the holidays- there’s no way I feel good enough yet to get back to work. Of course, we wish it didn’t happen at all. It did end up my cousin’s truck, which we had borrowed for the weekend, was totaled, as well as the girls car. Just horrible. :(
Between my twice a week allergy shots (spending about two hours a week in the doctor’s waiting room) and spending weekends at home (before the accident) I had nearly finished this sweater a few weeks ago. So, little by little, I have been doing a little finishing on it. I’m so excited- I am such an A.D.D. knitter- I start things, get sidetracked, rip them out, start something else. I actually started AND finished a project! Hurrah!
I still think of myself as a beginning knitter, even though I’ve been doing it on and off for several years, and even I was able to work up this pattern with little difficulty. It’s been for sale as a download on my website for probably a year or so, but now I have sample pictures to go with it and a sweater for myself! Yay!
I got the yarn (Vanna’s Choice) on super sale at Joann’s on Black Friday this year. Since I wasn’t sure if I actually would be able to finish it or knit it up, I wanted to try with cheaper yarn. In the end I like it *ok* but wish I had chosen something with natural content instead of 100% acrylic. Ah well, for the next project I will!
The buttons are vintage and bought from Atomic Regeneration on Etsy.
And you can get the knitting pattern on my Wearing History Patterns website.
Hope you have a great weekend, and if I don’t check in again, a very blessed Christmastime!
God Bless,
December 23, 2012 at 5:55 pm (12 years ago)Hi Lauren, This sweater turned out fabulous! I posted your pictures and a couple of links to you at my blog about it. Please let me know if there’s any problem with the post.
Thanks for the nice shout out for our shop, Atomic Regeneration.
December 23, 2012 at 6:26 pm (12 years ago)Thanks so much, Tammi! The buttons really made it fabulous. I appreciate your comment and thanks for mentioning it on your blog :)
December 23, 2012 at 7:03 pm (12 years ago)Ohhh! Your sweater is so cute! I still haven’t gotten up the nerve to try knitting from a vintage knitting pattern but this is darling!
December 26, 2012 at 7:10 am (12 years ago)What a lovely cardigan. I love the sleeveheads and may buy the pattern just for them even if it doesn’t come up to my size (not really a problem, since I have a miracle neighbour/friend who makes her own knitting aptterns and always helps me with the math).
December 27, 2012 at 7:04 pm (12 years ago)I LOVE the 1940s style, and this sweater is soooo cute!!!! God bless!
December 27, 2012 at 7:37 pm (12 years ago)I’m so pleased to hear things are a little better for you. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.
And how cute the sweater turned out! All these vintage knitting patterns make me want to pick the needles back up and give it another whirl.