>This weekend I’ve had a bit of a cold, which promoted some reading time. I recently found a Delineator magazine from August 1910, and while reading this weekend I came across this article. The early 20th century is one of my absolutely favorite eras. In fact, I’m just itching to start on a larger costume project for myself, so expect some earlier inspiration coming up soon on the blog ;)
I’ve often been surprised to read in magazines of this time period somewhat shocking or controversial subjects that we somehow overlook in our much romanticized view of the past. My husband and I read this article together this weekend and we both were shuddering. It’s not for the faint of heart, but I thought you might find interesting this article from the August 1910 Delineator magazine on cosmetic surgery, told by a woman who underwent treatment herself. With a lot of these earlier magazines I sometimes wonder if the articles were created for shock value and as a deterrent for women to actually go through such horrific practices themselves or actually were written by women who had firsthand experience, but either way you turn it, it is interesting and has shaken some of my stereotypes of Edwardian beauty techniques.
Evangeline Holland
March 28, 2011 at 4:49 pm (13 years ago)>Oh wow! I'd written a post on my blog about beauty and cosmetic surgery in the Edwardian era, but could not find any detailed articles on the process. It's icky to read, but fascinating, particularly in view of the use of plastic surgery on maimed WWI veterans.
March 28, 2011 at 5:57 pm (13 years ago)>WOW, what a find, Lauren! This totally fortifies a unique but rather sad parallel between the first decade of the 20th century and this one. I had seen all sorts of ads for cosmetic devices and potions from this era but never one describing actual cosmetic surgery. Shocking!
March 28, 2011 at 7:55 pm (13 years ago)>Wow! an amazing find! eep–I shudder to think!!
March 29, 2011 at 1:32 am (13 years ago)>Goodness, what a story. it makes me wonder about the instances of infections. I think I'll stick with sugar scrubs and moisturizer thank you very much!
honey hi
March 29, 2011 at 4:00 am (13 years ago)>OMG!! so glad you shared this, just fascinating!!janinehoneyhivintage.blogspot.com
March 29, 2011 at 6:47 am (13 years ago)>That's pretty grim…… fascinating, but grim!!! X
Fourth Daughter
March 31, 2011 at 4:07 am (13 years ago)>Amazing article, I wonder what they would have thought of Botox and all the silly things we have in the modern age! I'm amazed this sort of thing was not worked into a Sherlock Holmes story, it's really right up his alley as a way to change identities, you would think. Looking forward to more posts, following you now!stylewilderness.blogspot.com