>Still Plays With Dolls

>Christmas brought me some fun toys- actually, more of the toy variety than I’ve had in a very long while!  I got a new lovely vintage Boudoir Doll from my aunt, and my husband pitched in for the rest of my new Tonner doll, so I got to have both of them on Christmas morning!

The lady in the large hat is my second and newest Boudoir doll- so now I have one for each of the twin beds in my spare room and as soon as I get to tidying it up they’ll sit on my vintage satin comforters.  Such fun!  But hopefully none of our visitors have a fear of dolls- especially the somewhat “distressed” type.  My husband finds these creepy but I think they’re just lovely, and all the little cracks and age wear seem more like a story to be told than flaws to my eye.  I love that my newest girl even has pantalettes, and they both have the cutest vintage pumps painted on!

My new doll is from the new Gowns by Ann Harper line from Robert Tonner.  This is my first real Ball Jointed Doll, and it’s great fun to be able to move her torso, wrists, elbows, arms, and knees.  It makes her look quite real sometimes!  I have to admit, I pre-ordered this doll and didn’t see her in person until she arrived so I was a little disappointed she wasn’t quite as she appeared in the promo shots.  She seemed to have more realistic hair and more beading on her gown than she does in actuality, but I still really like her.  I guess when you’re a bit of a fabric snob that sometimes things don’t add up to your expectations ;)  But she does have that glam old Hollywood style thing going on that I loved so much about the Gene dolls with a little bit more realistic features, so I think she’s loads of fun.  I have heard through the grapevine that YesterMorrow on Ebay will soon be offering vintage French 30s patterns for 16″ dolls as well as the repros of French patterns you can draft up to human size proportions.  Exciting, non? I bought one of her books as a pre-Christmas treat for myself and am excited to try it out. 

I’ve been learning that a lot of old dressmakers used dolls.  It was quite an old way to design and drape, and showcase new collections.  When we were in Paris last year we got to see the Madeleine Vionnet exhibit and I got to see firsthand her little doll she did all her draping on.  So neat!  And I know in the 18th century fashions were spread abroad often times by sending “fashion dolls”– all dressed up in the mode of the day in miniature.  Fun stuff!

10 Comments on >Still Plays With Dolls

  1. Fleur de Guerre
    January 4, 2011 at 9:31 pm (14 years ago)

    >WOW – I don't collect dolls but now I reeeeeally want the Hollywood treasure one! Amazing! What fab presents :)

  2. BaronessVonVintage
    January 4, 2011 at 9:36 pm (14 years ago)

    >Oh, I am absolutely in love with boudoir dolls..your girls are just wonderful! I've yet to own a proper authentic b.d. myself (husb. finds them creepy too). I only have a little half one, which my dog routinely stares and growls at. Dolls are such fun!!

  3. Dolly the Bird
    January 4, 2011 at 10:24 pm (14 years ago)

    >I collect old dolls and I've been wanting a boudoir doll for so long but can never seem to find them!! Yours are lovely! Thanks for sharing them!

  4. Life In a Little House
    January 5, 2011 at 2:43 am (14 years ago)

    >Oohh lovely dolls! we love dolls in our house as well!! And having a daughter is a wonderful excuse to play with them. Although I probably don't need an excuse~ Lovely presents…Enjoy your new treasures ~Love Heather

  5. Trucydae
    January 5, 2011 at 2:43 am (14 years ago)

    >I don't think they are creepy, I do agree with you ! I'd love to have one like this, actually… Maybe one day… Who knows…

  6. Diane
    January 5, 2011 at 3:17 am (14 years ago)

    >I bought a Anne Harper and the Carol Berrie dolls, I am also disappointed in them. I love the two suits I bought from the line, the pink and black one, and the dark suit with the ribbons.

  7. Wearing History
    January 5, 2011 at 4:15 am (14 years ago)

    >Thanks, gals! It's kind of fun to have "toys" again :)Honey Hi, those lamps are a hoot! I love the bed lamps/doll lamps. So fun! Yours is lovely on your Flickr page.Diane, I'm interested that you were also disappointed in them a bit. I wanted the basic Anne Harper doll as well, but I think now I might wait until I see her at a doll show in person before I decide if I want to save for her. I'm glad you like the outfits- I had my eye on those two suits as well, so glad to know the quality is there. How do they compare with the quality of Gene's clothes?

  8. Lauren
    January 5, 2011 at 7:19 pm (14 years ago)


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