I am a hat fiend. I love hats like no other accessory. Give me the choice of a necklace at Tiffany and a stellar hat and I’d pick the hat. It’s a shame our modern age has really lost the art of beautiful head wear like those that were so widely available in the past.
When I got this catalog from 1930 recently I literally swooned over the colors and the creative millinery. I love that these hats are quite literally fanciful sculptures for the head. I can tell you, I would certainly have been in trouble if this catalog had showed up at my door back in 1930- I would have scraped and saved my pennies for a dainty chapeau!
Speaking of cost, if you’re every curious about how the cost of items in old catalogs relate to modern standards, check out a handy inflation calculator. Sometimes (like pricing things from old Vogues) the prices literally make you gasp, while at other times they make me wish for a magical time machine even more! But with some of the most pricey hats at just a bit over $50, they still seem like a steal compared to modern prices of dainty hats from the early 30s that have survived until today!
click on the images hi res versions
If you’re looking for stunning vintage hats with a similar feel The Butlers Cottage on Etsy has some droolworthy pieces.
June 18, 2010 at 6:33 am (15 years ago)>thanks for sharing these, they are amazing!
Andi B. Goode
June 18, 2010 at 7:17 am (15 years ago)>Wow. Amazing hats!! Also, I'm glad you liked the outfit! Thanks for your comment. =D I kept meaning to leave you a link but forgot.-Andi x
June 18, 2010 at 10:59 am (15 years ago)>Wow–these are amazing! I've finally started wearing hats more often in day-to-day life, after years of appreciating the vintage images. They're so amazing and beautiful–I think hats from this era are some of my favorites from an embellishment standpoint!Thanks for sharing these!♥ Caseyblog | elegantmusings.com
June 18, 2010 at 11:32 am (15 years ago)>Oh you literally have read my mind with this post. I'm over the moon for hats from the early 30s and am trying to save up for one (a repro). The best I've seen are the ones made by Behida over at Yellowfield7 on Etsy. Swoon! http://www.etsy.com/shop/yellowfield7. In the mean-time, I was lucky enough to get a vintage one of those wide horsehair ones for $20!! Hats, glorious hats!
June 18, 2010 at 8:09 pm (15 years ago)>I love looking at hats & even seeing people wear them. I feel so odd wearing a hat though. Even a ball cap. I'll wear a visor on the golf course, but as soon as we're back in the car I take it off. Hats are beautiful but I just haven't mastered wearing one.
Stefanie Valentine
June 18, 2010 at 8:47 pm (15 years ago)>I love wearing hats! Hats are fab! I do tend to get a lot of stares when I wear one though, people look at me as if I have suddenly sprouted 3 heads.
June 21, 2010 at 4:26 am (15 years ago)>I am only just getting in to hats – but these are just wonderful! I have always admired them from afar, but there is something quite bold about wearing such a statement piece. If I ever found something like these, I might just have to pluck up the confidence to take it out :)
June 21, 2010 at 8:20 am (15 years ago)>Ooh I LOVE all these 1930s catalogue scans! Like so many vintage gals I adore wearing hats, but it does tend to make people stare, so usually I just stick to fascinators or hair flowers. xx CharlotteTuppence Ha'penny
Relished Artistry
June 21, 2010 at 11:49 pm (15 years ago)>Just tired out that inflation calculator… Who knew nostalgia could feel like someone's robbed your wallet?! LOL! Honestly, Lauren, I'm a San Diegan, too, and we run in the same costuming circles but have never met… I am a long time lurker on your blog, and I find your posts to be fascinating to read and quite thought provoking! Thanks for pointing out so many cool things (of which this calculator is just one). I look forward to seeing what's next! : )