>Wedding Dress Pictures

>Wedding dress pictures!
I just spent the last few hours taking pictures and detaching the overdress from the under dress so I can get it cleaned this weekend. Renee just about fell over- she says she likes it even more than the other dress I was going to try to copy- and she says my dad’s not allowed to see it until the wedding day! I need silk chiffon, duchesse silk (I want it to have more body than the current fabric, which I believe is like charmeuse), and to make a new collar- I’m going to be on the lookout at Costume College for the lady with the antique laces to get one for a new collar.

Here are the parts that need to be redone

The underdress- it’s funny how much it resembles 1930’s evening gowns. The top is too tight across my ribcage, and I found it’s from the lame that is there. If I make it larger right in that area the lace has enough room to meet at Center Back. I’m also thinking of possibly doing a chiffon sash that trails, but I want to see how it all looks together first.

And here’s the lace on top of the undergarments. You can just tell in the pictures how much better the condition is than the rest of the dress. I have a few places where I need to mend the bridges in the lace, but not that many. It seems remarkably strong, and even when I lifted my arms I felt no tension, which is a very good sign!

There she is! I am ecstatic!

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