>Suit, Circa 1937, Part I


Just a guesstimate on date. The other night I got this all cut out and yesterday I worked really hard all day and pumped most of it out. This jacket is vaguely inspired by Jean Arthur in You Can’t Take it With You. Here’s a pic of her in the movie and the pattern I’m using. I’m actually using the skirt from another pattern, since I think this one’s too busy and I didn’t have enough fabric anyway. My husband gave me the fabric that we bought to make him Victorian pants at one of our garment distric jaunts. He gave me the “ok” to steal it from him and who am I to argue?

Going through how I was going to make this sent me pondering for a day or two. Would I do fully tailored like the other jacket I made, and things I made for work last season? Would I make it totally unlined and lightweight? I wanted it to have body, but I also wanted it breathable and period correct. I asked on Fedora Lounge about traditional finishes for men’s 30s linen jackets and pawed through Matt’s closet to get ideas. I actually posted pics here, but I think I’m more interested than the FL guys seem to be. heh.

In any case, here’s the pics, probably of more interest to me than anyone else. I did cheat some on the construction- I took some shortcuts and invented some more, but I think the results are pretty good, regardless, so who cares?

Attaching the cotton tape and organza to the hair canvas

Front facings with the extra hair canvas cut away and basted to the facing

Sewing the facing to the front jacket and grading the seams

Finishing the seam allowances with bias and hem facing (since I ran out of bias and was too lazy to make or buy more)

Jacket on the form without sleeves and hem

And on the form with sleeves. It fits me better than it fits this form.

Still needs bias around armholes, some padding in the sleeve caps, and fasteners and a self belt, but it’s getting there! Hopefully I’ll have that finished today and can start on the skirt!

3 Comments on >Suit, Circa 1937, Part I

  1. AlohaAroha
    July 9, 2009 at 9:25 pm (16 years ago)

    >Thanks for posting the construction pictures. No-one else may be interested in them, but I am! It's been years since I did any serious tailoring, and I'm trying to remind myself how so I can get back into it and make Mr Dreamy a 1930s tuxedo.And the jacket looks like it is going to be super cute! Will you be able to wear it with the collar open?

  2. Meg
    July 10, 2009 at 5:30 pm (16 years ago)

    >Oh man. I'm having flashbacks to the guts of MY jacket. It's enough to turn your hair white…and I still have to set in my sleeves and finish the lapels, collar, and hem!

  3. reilly
    December 7, 2009 at 11:09 pm (15 years ago)

    >Ahh Lauren, I just saw that movie the other day and immediately got it in my head that I needed something similar. It was all the extra push I needed after seeing your completed outfit! Hopefully another pattern like this exists out there somewhere!

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